Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Eliminate tricks Panu in Face With Natural Way

Eliminate tricks Panu in Face With Natural Way
dr rochelle skin expert

This one skin disease that is caused by a fungus fungus Pityrosporum ovale. Panu arise to the surface of the skin with white spots that the average arise in the area around the back, neck, chest, and arms. Most fungus appears if the person does not keep his hygiene as rarely bath and excessive sweating.
This skin disease is the one not bring pain, but could not be sure bring a sense of self or embarrassment for the sufferer if the fungus has spread to the face of the sufferer. so many drug deals that will eliminate the fungus but for one may be the drug can not eliminate phlegm their success.
Here are many tricks for eliminating phlegm in a natural way:

1. Wearing galangal
Galangal is not only functioned as dr rochelle skin expert foodstuffs, in fact, galangal has to negate any benefits of phlegm. You could cut the ginger so many fields, after it gosokanlah against the skin surface imaginable panunya. Let phlegm disappear soon do it every time after bathing.

2. Wearing garlic
Garlic has no little benefit, including existing able to eliminate the fungus on the skin you. The way you will bring the garlic and discard the skin, under the first cut into small white subsequently You will rub on the skin that hit phlegm. Let the maximum you are able to implement the withdrawal utilize galangal, do it every time after you shower.

3. Make use of sulfur
You will use the sulfur which is another option. Mash & puree evenly with sulfur. Furthermore, sulfur mix together lime & coconut oil, after which you will apply on the skin that hit phlegm.

That is so much material that you will use to negate existing phlegm to skin you. Run a regular manner so that maximum results you find and phlegm and lost.

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